The old Scotch Bonnet light was built sometime between 1853-1855. The builders used limestone to build the tower on a flat island south of the Picton Peninsula. The island on which it was built was so low that a retaining wall was built to hold the lake back. This wall is clearly visible in the photograph above. It was discontinued around 1959 and abandoned shortly after that.
From the picture above, you can see that the tower has not fared well over time. This is also evidence of how ferocious the winter storms can be that form over the lake. Also from the looks of the picture, it appears that the Canadian Coast Guard has placed a steel skeletal light to mark this island.
Directions: The lighthouse sits about a mile off shore. The best view would be either by boat or plane. A distant view MIGHT be possible from the end of County Route 20 off of Route 33 in Hillier.
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