Dennis Kent has provided some history of this lighthouse:
This light is the fourth oldest in Nova Scotia and in remarkably good shape.
As shipping interests increased the transportation of lumber from this port, the need for an additional light became apparent and this was built in 1855. The modest light was only 30 feet high and was outfitted with three brass seal oil lanterns with a range of only 8 miles. Seal oil was later replaced with kerosene in 1864. By 1951 the constant polishing of the reflectors wore off the silver coating until it was down to the copper. Electricity allowed the automation of the light and an upgrade to a Sixth Order Fresnel Lens. It was shut down in 1989.
This small light had the lantern room in the top floor, the ground floor held supplies and lamp oil. The second floor served as quarters for the Keeper and his family but was so small that the first keeper moved to town and commuted to work. A kitchen was added around 1900 and helped a little. During WWII weather forecasters were assigned to this station also. To make room for them, the keeper gave up the tower room and his family of 5 lived in the small kitchen. The keeper was paid an extra $36 per year to operate the hand cranked fog horn from 1901 ot 1951.
Directions: Fort Point Lighthouse Park is located at the end of Main Street in Liverpool.
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